Who are we?

UMASS Boston’s CPDD, Nextier SPD, and West African-based CDD are collaborating to establish an Africa-wide Democracy Network (DemNet). 


This network aims to unite civil society organizations across 10 African nations which are Angola, DRC Congo, Gabon, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, and Zimbabwe; to enhance election quality.


By sharing experiences, best practices, and offering mutual support, DemNet seeks to fortify local efforts amid declining civic space. Youth and women’s involvement will be prioritized. 


Our Goals

Civil Society Strengthening

Strengthen civil society's capacity to engage in advocacy and oversight before, during, and after the upcoming electoral process in 10 African countries with forthcoming elections

Electoral Transparency

Improve government transparency and integrity in local election processes.

Citizen Participation

Increase citizen participation in democratic processes; and address the demand for democratic reform

Gender and Youth Inclusion

Ensure that approximately half of DemNet members are women, and that a significant portion of the network are youth leaders.

Connect with us

Have any questions? We are always open to talk to you.